Buy Sell Share Agreement


When starting a business, there are many important legal agreements that need to be put in place to protect the interests of all parties involved. One such agreement is the buy sell share agreement, which outlines the terms for buying, selling, or transferring ownership shares of the company.

What is a Buy Sell Share Agreement?

A buy sell share agreement, also known as a shareholder agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms of buying and selling shares of a company. It is typically put in place when a company is formed or when new shareholders are added.

This agreement is important because it helps to define the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, as well as provide a set of guidelines for how shares can be bought, sold, or transferred in the future. It also helps to prevent conflicts between shareholders by establishing clear expectations for how the company will operate.

What are the Types of Buy Sell Share Agreements?

There are several types of buy sell share agreements, each with their own unique features. The most common types include:

– Cross-Purchase Agreement: This type of agreement is used when there are only a few shareholders in the company. It allows each shareholder to buy the shares of a departing member, which helps to keep ownership within the existing group.

– Redemption Agreement: This type of agreement requires the company to buy back the shares of a departing member. This is often used in larger companies with many shareholders, as it helps to maintain the stability of the ownership structure.

– Hybrid Agreement: This type of agreement combines elements of both the cross-purchase and redemption agreements. It allows for both the remaining shareholders and the company to buy back shares, depending on the circumstances.

What should be included in a Buy Sell Share Agreement?

When drafting a buy sell share agreement, it is important to include several key provisions. These may include:

– The purpose of the agreement: This should outline why the agreement is being put in place and what it aims to achieve.

– Ownership structure: This should provide details on the current ownership structure of the company, including the number of shares held by each shareholder.

– The types of shares: This should outline the different types of shares that can be held in the company, such as common shares, preferred shares, or voting shares.

– Restrictions on share transfers: This should outline any restrictions on transferring shares, such as limitations on who can own shares or the circumstances under which shares can be sold.

– Valuation of shares: This should outline how the value of shares will be determined, such as using an independent appraiser or based on a predetermined formula.

– Trigger events: This should outline the events that will trigger a buyout, such as a shareholder’s death, disability, retirement, or divorce.

– Funding: This should outline how the buyout will be funded, such as through insurance policies, loans, or the company’s revenue.


A buy sell share agreement is an essential legal document for any business that has multiple shareholders. By putting this agreement in place, all parties can have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions for buying, selling, or transferring shares of the company. This helps to prevent disputes and conflicts and ensures that the company’s ownership structure remains stable over time.

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